Ron Paul raises $5 million for bid

Ron Paul is finally getting some of the recognition he deserves. Albeit for the wrong reasons. Of the declared Republican candidates, he’s the only one I’ll consider voting for. In fact, I’ve been discussing the benefits of registering as a Republican to give him my vote in the primary. I currently have no party affiliation. I don’t believe in or support everything he says, but there are some vexing policy issues that give him my respect and legitimate consideration.

Ron Paul raises $5 million for bid – Yahoo! News

WASHINGTON – Long-shot Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul raised a surprising $5 million during the past three months, capitalizing on his stance as the only anti-war contender in the GOP field.
Paul, a Texas congressman who once ran for president as a Libertarian, also will report having $5.3 million cash on hand, campaign spokesman Jesse Benton said.

btw: In the general election, I’ll give Hillary my vote over Ron Paul. I think she’s the better candidate of the two and has more experience.