Poll: Give your opinion please

Today, I use a single pass code that I distribute to family and friends to view posts I prefer not to share with the general public and snooping spiders of search engines. These are primarily posts about my family. The question I’d like to pose to you, dear readers, is whether you prefer I retain this single pass code or would you prefer to sign up for accounts. I mean account in the loosest sense of the word. You would only need to provide a nickname and your email address. If you forget the password, I can reset it, or you may have it emailed to you. See for yourself what registration requires.

[poll id=”2″]

Note #1: feel free to leave comments. you do not need an account; however you will need to provide your email address.
Note #2: You will notice mention of Open ID on the registration and login pages. Open ID allows you to sign into this blog using your Yahoo! account. To use it, type in “yahoo.com” in the Open ID box and hit submit. You will be directed to Yahoo! to verify your account. There are other Open ID providers – you can get a list of other Open ID providers at openid.net. Sorry, Google and Microsoft are slow to the game and don’t support it yet.

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